Across the Obelisk: Amelia, the Queen (2024)

DLC System: Nintendo Switch Benötigtes Spiel: Across the Obelisk Erscheinungsdatum: 21.03.2024


„Amelia, the Queen“ ist ein Heldenpaket, das völlig neue Strategien bei Across the Obelisk einführt. Dank Amelias einzigartiger Fähigkeit, Karten vom Stapel „Verschwunden“ zurückzuholen, kannst du starke, neue Ausrüstungsprofile erstellen, um Amelia dabei zu helfen, Senenthia zu retten.

Das Heldenpaket „Amelia, the Queen“ enthält:

Die Heldin „Königin Amelia“ samt einem neuen Satz auf Kälteschaden spezialisierter Verzauberungskarten.

Eine für Amelia einzigartige, starke Fähigkeit, die dem Deckbauen noch mehr Tiefe verleiht: Hole Karten vom Verschwunden-Stapel zurück in dein Deck!

Zauberschwert: Amelias einzigartige Ressource eröffnet eine völlig neue Welt der Kombo-Möglichkeiten.

Rifty: Ein neuer Tiergefährte, der Stärkungen von deinen Gegnern entfernen kann.

Neue Antwortoptionen für Ereignisse, um die Hintergrundgeschichte Senenthias zu erweitern.

3 neue Charakterskins, die einer Königin würdig sind.

3 neue Kartenrückseiten, die dein Deck majestätisch aussehen lassen.

4 neue Emotes. Sorge dafür, dass sich deine Gruppe an die königlichen Erlasse hält!

Getrieben von Berichten über die Entführung ihrer Tochter ist Amelia nach Senenthia zurückgekehrt, um eine waghalsige Rettung zu organisieren. Kannst du ihre Familie wieder zusammenbringen, bevor es zu spät ist?

Diese Beschreibung wurde vom Publisher bereitgestellt.

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Nachdem die Zahlung bearbeitet wurde, werden die Inhalte auf die Konsole heruntergeladen, die mit deinem Nintendo-Account (oder, im Falle von Wii U und den Systemen der Nintendo 3DS-Familie, deiner Nintendo Network ID) verknüpft ist. Das System muss auf das neueste System-Update aktualisiert und mit dem Internet verbunden sein. Zudem müssen automatische Downloads aktiviert und ausreichend Speicherplatz für den Download verfügbar sein. Abhängig vom System-/Konsolen-/Hardware-Modell, das du besitzt, und deiner persönlichen Nutzung desselben, kann ein zusätzliches Speichermedium erforderlich sein, um Software aus dem Nintendo eShop herunterzuladen. In unserer Kundenservice-Rubrik findest du weitere Informationen.

Bei Spielen, die Cloud-Streaming-Technologie verwenden, kann nur die kostenlose Starter-App heruntergeladen werden.

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Der Inhalt kann vor dem offiziellen Erscheinungstermin nicht gespielt werden: {{releaseDate}} . Bei Vorbestellungen wird der Kaufpreis automatisch innerhalb von sieben Tage vor dem Veröffentlichungsdatum abgebucht. Falls du die Software weniger als sieben Tage vor der Veröffentlichung vorbestellst, wird dein Guthaben sofort belastet.

© 2023 Paradox Interactive AB. Across the Obelisk is published by Paradox Interactive AB and developed by Dreamsite S.L.. ACROSS THE OBELISK and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademark, logo and copyright is the property of its owner.


Benötigtes Spiel

Across the Obelisk


Nintendo Switch




USK ab 16 Jahren

Kompatible Controller

  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller


3,15 MB

Land wechseln

  • België
  • Belgique
  • Deutschland
  • España
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  • Italia
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  • Österreich
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  • Svizzera
  • South Africa


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Across the Obelisk: Amelia, the Queen (2024)


What is the queen Across the Obelisk? ›

Amelia, the Queen is a Hero Pack that introduces all-new strategies to Across the Obelisk. Create powerful new builds thanks to Amelia's unique ability to bring cards from the vanish pile back into her deck. Build chilling cold damage decks and help Amelia on her desperate quest to save Senenthia.

Who is the new hero in Across the Obelisk? ›

Joining you on your adventure are two new heroes with powers previously unseen: Laia and Navalea. Laia is a Paladin—a Warrior Healer hybrid—capable of dealing incredible damage and helping her party in times of need. Navalea is a Fallen—a mix of Warrior and Mage—a masterful fighter, proficient in the ways of the mage.

How to unlock wolf pet Across the Obelisk? ›

You need to have Yogger in your party, then complete the Wolf Wars, then there is a new node right before the exit of the gate of Yoggers camp. You can't miss it. No you just need to take Yogger to Yogger and leave.

How to beat Lord Hanshek Across the Obelisk? ›

The Lord Hanshek dispels are annoying indeed, but I usually focus on getting rid of the shadows first with maximum damage and then wreck havoc on him with poison, bleed, and burn stacks at the end.

What is the hidden meaning of the obelisk? ›

Ancient Egyptians further believed that the obelisk could guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife. Its shape, symbolism, and use made it a powerful symbol of the strength of Egyptians' faith and the power of the Sun God Ra. Ra was an ancient deity worshiped as the primary God of the sun, order, and creation.

What is the scepter that the queen holds? ›

The Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross, 1661

The Sovereign's Sceptre with Cross has been used at every coronation since Charles II's in 1661. It was transformed in 1910 for George V by the addition of the spectacular Cullinan I diamond.

What is the highest rank in across the obelisk? ›

When you finish a run, you gain experience towards your overall player rank, until a maximum of Rank 50. Each rank gives one point for every character.

Who is obelisk based on? ›

The monolithic obelisk was invented by the kings of the fifth dynasty (2465-2323 BCE) in reverence to the sun god, Re. They often had kingly connotations, representing a connection between the spirit (ka) of the king, and the sun god.

How to get Yogger? ›

Complete the Wolf Wars story and unlock Yogger, a mighty warrior who likes to play with his food. Succeed on your quest and you'll be rewarded with a new pet too, the wolf cub Wolfy. Receive five Wolf Wars-themed skins exclusive to this Story Pack.

What is the obsidian shipment in across the obelisk? ›

The obsidian shipment (Rare event)

You arrive at a place with a mechanical crane and see that there is a group of cultists unloading a shipment of supplies and common items. When they finish, the cultists begin loading the crane with magic shards and obsidian ingots.

How to get Mozzy across the obelisk? ›

After that, go to Velkarath and travel to the Lava Cascade "How to Boil An Egg" Map Node. There, choose the [Continue] option to put the egg near the lava. The egg will then hatch and Mozzy will join the crew.

Who is the spider boss in across the obelisk? ›

The Spider Queen

Tulah is the mini-boss at the end of the Spider Cave in the Aquarfall Marsh. You reach the end of the cave and find yourself in a chamber full of cobwebs. In it, you can see a spider and a herder patrolling, but when you look up you see a large creature, half human half spider.

Who is the dragon boss in across the obelisk? ›

Faeborg is the final boss in the Faeborg Forest. As you go up the stairs, you see the Frost Calamity resting in front of the frozen palace. That's a dragon! You realize it's not just any dragon, it's Faeborg himself!

How do you beat Lord Iridium? ›

He will fire lasers towards the player with his hand, but after two lasers, his energy field will wear off, and the player can shoot Lord Iridium to damage him.

What is the Queens scepter and orb for? ›

Meant to represent the crown's power and governance, it has been used in the coronation of every British monarch since 1661, when it was created for the coronation of King Charles II. Despite its historic status, the sceptre we see today isn't quite in its original condition.

What happens to the Queen's orb? ›

Before the final hymn is sung during the private service (the state funeral was at Westminster Abbey earlier), crown jeweller Mark Appleby will remove the pieces from the Queen's coffin and give them to the Dean of Windsor. The Dean will then place them on a high altar.

What does the queen do with her sword? ›

The sword is only used for knighting someone. It is not used for other titles. Being touched on the shoulders with it is called “receiving the accolade,” and only men get it.

What is the obelisk the god of? ›

In Egyptian mythology, the obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the religious reformation of Akhenaten it was said to have been a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.